Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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Our Vision

We want to cover the Ark-La-Tex with continuous 24/7 prayer

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Extraordinary Prayer

Every disciple making movement in history has happened in the context of extraordinary prayer.

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Movement Focused

Join us in asking, seeking, and knocking for streams of disciples and churches to be made.

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24/7 Every Day

Choose a 15-minute (or more!) time slot that you can pray during each day. Invite someone else to sign up too.

Everyday we see brokenness and hopelessness all around the Ark-La-Tex. We know that no matter how many ways we try to help, the most important, first step is to pray and seek the Lord for healing and help. Will you join us in praying for the hope and help of Jesus to invade every neighborhood and school? Will you join the army of prayer warriors as we pray and then engage our community with the hope of Jesus Christ?

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0.94 days

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Prayer Warriors

Prayer Fuel

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.

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